
By Category: Countermeasures

Oversight of Biodefense Research, with Dr. Matthew Meselson

Dr. Matthew Meselson, a renowned expert in chemical and biological defense and arms control, discusses biological weapons, history, science, and the need for increased oversight of U.S. biodefense research. This talk and Q&A session was hosted by the Federation of American Scientists on June 26, 2012 in Washington, DC.
Event page, with speaker bios and more information:
Dr. Meselson’s slides:

Australian Biosecurity Intelligence Network (ABIN) Concept movie

Australian Biosecurity Intelligence Network (ABIN) Concept movie: When a young girl comes down with a high fever, the medical and biosecurity sectors use ABIN to find the culprit and prevent further infection.

Ten Years after 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks: Protecting Against Biological Threats

Testimony of Thomas Inglesby, MD, Director, Center for Biosecurity of UPMC before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Date: October 18, 2011