“HASL, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences was established by the Nation in order to cultivate the Hungarian language and to serve science and scholarship. It is a just demand of society that the freedom of this time-honoured national institution of Hungarian science and scholarship be endorsed and enlarged through the legislative reinforcement of its self-governing rights, and the democracy of its internal life strengthened without, however, interfering with the autonomy of other institutions cultivating and representing science.”
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Industry Association of Synthetic Biology (IASB)
IASB is a consortium of biotech companies that are concerned with bioethical and biosecurity questions raised by synthetic biology, as well as with the scientific and economic prospects of synthetic biology.
Infectious Diseases Society of America
“The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) represents physicians, scientists and other health care professionals who specialize in infectious diseases. IDSA’s purpose is to improve the health of individuals, communities, and society by promoting excellence in patient care, education, research, public health, and prevention relating to infectious diseases.” The society “is well situated to communicate between its members, the international experts on infectious diseases and bioterrorism, and U.S. policymakers. The Society also is able to immediately alert its 7,500 members to urgent government alerts and actions.”
- July 8, 2010
- | Filed under North America and NGO
Institut für Umwelt- und Tierhygiene sowie Tiermedizin mit Tierklinik
[Institute for Environmental and Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Medicine with Animal Clinic]
“The Universität Hohenheim is a modern university with a long tradition in the area of agriculture and natural sciences. The Economic and Social Sciences, which are also well-established, are unique in Baden-Württemberg. Research and teaching are characterized by internationality, innovation, multidisciplinarity and consistency subject to high standards of research. In terms of research, the Universität Hohenheim makes an important contribution to the economic development and future prospects of our country. It creates the basis for solving societal problems by means of excellence in basic research and in research that is inter-disciplinary and problem-oriented. This includes the fields of health, food, agriculture, consumer and environmental protection as well as economics and communications.”
Institute for Biosecurity, Saint Louis University School of Public Health
The mission of the Institute for Biosecurity is to provide public health and emergency response professionals with the education needed for preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation of emerging public health threats, and for the Institute to conduct research that will contribute to the development of national policies to address these threats.
- February 1, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Academia