GlaxoSmithKline is a research-based pharmaceutical company. They developed a wide variety of prescription medications and over 25 vaccines.
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Great Lakes Regional Center of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases (GLRCE)
The Great Lakes RCE (GLRCE ) is a consortium of 27 academic and research institutions in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin and is administered by its Administrative Core at the University of Chicago. A complete list of GLRCE institutions and their locations is available on the institutions page.
The GLRCE is committed to funding development of new vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics to counteract diseases caused by bio-threat agents via the combined research excellence of inter-disciplinary scientists in the Great Lakes region. The main foci of our research are top priority NIAID Category A agents—Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis ,Yersinia pestis, Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins, Variola major, and Ebola or Marburg Virus (hemorrhagic fever viruses). However, important work on NIAID Category B and C agents, i.e. Brucella melitensis, Toxoplasma gondii, Salmonella spp., or Rickettsia spp. is also considered for funding.
To achieve its goals, the GLRCE promotes collaboration and state of the art technologies, as well as interactions with the pharmaceutical industry to allow rapid translation of basic research findings to commercial products. Current emphasis in the Great Lakes RCE includes new vaccines to prevent plague and botulism, and new drug therapies for anthrax, hemorrhagic fever viruses and pox viruses. Basic research into the effectiveness of new vaccines and adjuvants as well as diagnostic tools for the category A agents are also high priority research goals.
This organization is recognized as one of the Regional Centers of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases (RCEs) by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
- April 22, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Academia, and Other
Harvard University and University of Sussex
Harvard Sussex Program on Chemical and Biological Warfare
The Harvard Sussex Program (HSP) exists in order to increase the contribution of scholarship to the formation of public policy on issues involving chemical/biological warfare (CBW) and its underlying technologies. University-based research, publication, other forms of international communication, and training of young people are the means HSP uses to this end. HSP also promotes frameworks of study, both national and international, that bring together scientists and other scholars with officials of governmental and intergovernmental bodies.
- July 15, 2010
- | Filed under North America and Academia
Helsinki University of Technology
Laboratory of Biochemistry and Microbiology
The Laboratory covers research in the fields of applied biochemistry, applied microbiology and technology. Its specialities are in the R & D and process solutions of biotechnology, more specifically functional components, quality of food products, added value by processing, microbes in industry and R & D strategies.
Henry L. Stimson Center
“The Henry L. Stimson Center is a community of analysts devoted to offering practical solutions to problems of national and international security.” Its “Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation and Response Project focuses on the history of biological and chemical weapons, measures to control their proliferation (including domestic laws and international regimes), and weapons destruction technologies. Technical reports examine the likelihood of terrorism involving chemical and biological weapons, as well as technologies and policies to prevent or counter their use.”
- July 8, 2010
- | Filed under North America and NGO