National Biosafety Association (ANBio)

The National Biosafety Association (Associação Nacional de Biossegurança)- ANBio was created in 1999 by a group of scientists concerned with disseminating information about the advances of modern biotechnology and its control mechanisms, which are fundamental for technological incorporation and simultaneous preservation of our biological diversity. Attentive to the risks arising from laboratory and industrial activities, transport and release to the environment and other activities involving the health and agricultural sectors, target issues of ANBio, biosafety is coming up in Brazil as a multidisciplinary scientific field. Professionals from the most different areas, among others biology, biomedicine, agronomy, food science, pharmacy, chemistry, medicine, nursing, nutrition, architecture and law are brought together in this young discipline.

(5521) 2220-8327 / 2220-8678
De Paoli Building | Nilo Peçanha avenue, 50 - Groupe 2114 Centro | Rio de Janeiro - Brazil | | 20044-900