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By Region: North America
How the microscopic Ebola virus kills thousands
TheWashingtonPost: The fear of Ebola has spread faster in America than the virus itself. Ebola has infected the American psyche, forcing us to do risk analysis of a pathogen we know little about.
- October 20, 2014
- | Filed under Africa, International, North America, and Public Health
Dozens Declared Free of Ebola Risk in Texas
NewYorkTimes: At least one chapter of the Ebola saga neared a close Sunday, as most of the dozens of people who had direct or indirect contact here with Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man who died of Ebola, were told by officials that they were no longer at risk of contracting the disease.
- October 20, 2014
- | Filed under North America and Public Health
Dual-Purpose Vaccines Effective Against Rabies and Ebola
GlobalBiodefense: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, this week announced a new license agreement aimed at advancing dual-purpose candidate vaccines to protect against rabies and Ebola viruses.
- October 20, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, and Public Health
Analysis: Bat Influenza Viruses and the Risk to Humans
GlobalBiodefense: Characterization of Uncultivable Bat Influenza Virus Using a Replicative Synthetic Virus. A study published on October 2nd in PLOS Pathogens addresses the question of whether or not bat flu exists based on detailed molecular and virological characterization.
- October 9, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Public Health, and Research
Newly Vigilant, U.S. Will Screen Fliers for Ebola
NewYorkTimes: Federal health officials will require temperature checks for the first time at five major American airports for people arriving from the three West African countries hardest hit by the deadly Ebola virus.
- October 9, 2014
- | Filed under North America and Public Health