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By Region: North America
Four Deaths Are Linked to a Respiratory Illness
TheNewYorkTimes: At least four people have died after contracting a severe respiratory illness that has spread to more than 40 states, public health officials announced on Wednesday. The deaths were the first to be linked to the nationwide outbreak of enterovirus 68, which has caused an influx of sick children — some of them critically Read More »
- October 2, 2014
- | Filed under North America and Public Health
U.S. Ebola case: 80 monitored in Dallas
CNN- Health officials are monitoring not only the people the Dallas Ebola patient had contact with while he was contagious and not isolated, but also dozens of people that they subsequently contacted. Eighty people — the patient’s contacts, plus people with whom they had contact — are now being monitored for Ebola in the Dallas Read More »
- October 2, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, and Public Health
Ebola Crisis: Obama Says World Falling Short in Response
WallStreetJournal- President Barack Obama, during a high-level United Nations meeting on the Ebola outbreak, criticized the international response to the epidemic in West Africa as falling short of what is needed to combat a crisis “spreading at alarming speed.” Specifically, Mr. Obama said institutions like the U.N. need to move faster, and more countries need to contribute Read More »
- September 29, 2014
- | Filed under Africa, International, North America, Countermeasures, International, and Public Health
Elusys Announces Results from Anthrax Anti-Toxin Trials
GlobalBiodefense- Elusys Therapeutics, Inc. this week announced it has completed three Phase 3 healthy adult volunteer safety studies of obiltoxaximab (ETI-204), an anti-toxin in development for the treatment of inhalation anthrax. Data from these studies support the safety and tolerability of the antitoxin when administered intravenously (IV) at the intended therapeutic dose.
- September 29, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Biosafety, Bioterrorism, and Countermeasures
White House Issues New Regulations for Dangerous Biological Research
NewYorkTimes: The Obama administration on Wednesday issued new guidelines intended to strengthen the oversight of federally funded biology research that could inadvertently produce bio-weapons. The new policy shifts the burden of finding and disclosing the dangerous aspects of research from the funding agency — usually the National Institutes of Health — to the scientists who Read More »
- September 29, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Biosafety, Countermeasures, and Policy & Initiatives