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By Region: North America
U.S. Biodefenses Improve, But New Threats Develop
(GSN Daily News) Biodefense officials in the United States are concerned about the implications of evolving synthetic biology capabilities even as they note the significant strides the nation has made in the last decade in preparing for a potential disease-based attack, USA Today reported on Friday (see GSN, Feb. 11). “We are certainly better prepared Read More »
- October 3, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Agents & Toxins, Biotechnology, and Policy & Initiatives
‘Al-Awlaki tried to use weapons of mass destruction’
(Hindustan Times) … the US-born radical Islamic cleric and al Qaeda leader in the Arabian Peninsula leader who was killed on Friday, sought to use weapons of mass destruction to attack westerners, a senior US official has said. poisons including cyanide and ricin, …
- October 3, 2011
- | Filed under Middle East, North America, South Asia, Biological Weapons, Bioterrorism, and International
Al Qaeda lab lingers in anthrax story
(ABC News) Fears that al Qaeda had some role in the anthrax letter attacks that killed five and terrorized the US 10 years ago surfaced early in the investigation. “THIS IS NEXT. TAKE PENACILIN NOW. DEATH TO AMERICA. DEATH TO ISRAEL. …
- October 3, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Biological Weapons, and Bioterrorism
Anthrax Attack Plans Need to Be Handled Locally, Report Says
(Newsday) Since the 9/11 tragedy and the anthrax scare that followed in its wake, Americans have lived with
- October 3, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Policy & Initiatives, and Public Health
Army Brigade to Take on WMD-Response Role
An Army brigade at Fort Polk in Louisiana on Saturday is slated to take on a new mission — to rescue and protect civilians following a potential WMD attack on the United States, the Fort Polk Guardian reported (see GSN, July 13, 2010). In a special ceremony the 1st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade is set to Read More »
- September 30, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Policy & Initiatives, and Public Health