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By Region: North America
Terror and Bioterror: 9/11 to 10/4 (Part 4)
(Wired News)This Tuesday, Oct. 4, marks the 10th anniversary of the announcement of the first deaths in the 2001 anthrax-letter attacks, the first successful, fatal bioterrorist attack in American history on American soil. The anthrax attacks were …
- October 4, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Bioterrorism
10 Year Anniversary Of Anthrax Attacks In October, TFAH Statement
(Medical News Today) With the 10th anniversary of the anthrax attacks in the United States coming up this October, Jeff Levi, PhD, Executive Director of the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) marked the occasion making the following statement: “All of us at the Trust for America’s Health want to take this anniversary to remember those Read More »
- October 4, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Bioterrorism
Health units run anthrax scenario
(Dickinson Press) The Southwest District Health Unit and volunteers conducted full-scale exercises across western North Dakota to test an anthrax breakout scenario. Though the likelihood of an outbreak is low, there is still a chance, officials say. …
- October 3, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, Policy & Initiatives, and Public Health
Strange sorority fixation was link that led to anthrax suspect
(CNN) A scientist shows the anthrax-tainted letter sent to Sen. Tom Daschle’s Capitol Hill office in fall 2001. Editor’s note: In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the United States faced a second wave of terrorism: …
- October 3, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Agents & Toxins, Biological Weapons, and Bioterrorism
Community Storage of Anthrax-Preventing Antibiotics
(National Academies) As part of preparations for a possible large-scale anthrax attack, public health officials at the state and local levels should determine where and how anthrax-preventing antibiotics should be stored in their communities, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine. The report provides guidance to state, local, and tribal health officials to Read More »
- October 3, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, Policy & Initiatives, and Public Health