PharmAthene, Inc., formed in March 2001 is pursuing its mission to become the premier company worldwide specializing in the development and rapid commercialization of best-in-class medical countermeasures for the multi-billion dollar biodefense industry. By following a strategy of acquiring leading compounds and technologies focused only on high priority medical countermeasures solutions identified by the United States and other governments as urgent to procure, PharmAthene has built a solid product pipeline and a strong reputation within the industry. Up to more than $550 million in United States government contract and funding commitments have been awarded to support the Company’s current product development programs.
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Physical Association of Argentina (AFA)
Asociación Física Argentina (AFA) has developed a Code of Ethics which specifically prohibits its members from, “conscious participation in the development, improvement and fabrication of weapons of indiscriminate destruction such as nuclear chemical and biological weapons…”
Phone: 0221 424-7201 int. 241
Address: C.C. 67 (1900) La Plata, Argentina
Code of Ethics: Ethical Standards of the Phyiscal Association of Argentina
- March 30, 2011
- | Filed under South America and NGO
Ploughshares Fund
“The Ploughshares Fund is a public grantmaking foundation that supports initiatives to prevent the spread and use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and other weapons of war, and to prevent conflicts that could lead to the use of weapons of mass destruction.” To facilitate this, “Ploughshares Fund grants support efforts to: increase the security of dangerous chemicals and pathogens; promote standards for responsible research; strengthen enforcement of agreements to outlaw biological and chemical weapons; support programs to destroy existing stocks of weapons; [and,] reduce the risks posed by defensive programs.”
- July 8, 2010
- | Filed under North America and NGO
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies “identifies and aggressively shepherds discussion on key science and technology issues facing our society, providing in particular, an academic forum for the study of related policy issues. From these discussions and forums, [the Institute] develop[s] meaningful science and technology policy options and ensure their implementation at the intersection of business and government.” The Institute “has assembled noted researchers from many disciplines to address key aspects of biological terrorism, as well as publishing cutting edge research in this area. The Institute has conducted conferences with recognized experts, providing them a forum to discuss cross cutting issues and to begin to identify overall priority thrusts for policy and process initiatives needed to counter biological terrorism.”
- July 8, 2010
- | Filed under North America and NGO
Princeton University
Program on Science and Global Security
The Program on Science and Global Security, a research group at Princeton University since 1975, became a unit of the Woodrow Wilson School in July 2001. The Program seeks to provide the technical basis for policy initiatives in nuclear arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation. A principal additional role of the Program is to train U.S. and foreign scientists interested in informing their publics and governments about nuclear arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation policy options.
- July 15, 2010
- | Filed under North America and Academia