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By Region: North America
MAPS technology may generate vaccines conferring strong immunity at reduced cost and risk
(MedicalNewsToday) A new method of vaccine design, called the Multiple Antigen Presentation System (MAPS), may result in vaccines that bring together the benefits of whole-cell and acellular or defined subunit vaccination. The method, pioneered by researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital, permits rapid construction of new vaccines that activate mulitple arms of the immune system simultaneously Read More »
- July 30, 2013
- | Filed under North America, Biotechnology, and Research
Yes, This Exists: A Biohacker Hotline
(PopularScience) They range from routine to absurd: How do I put together a biolab spill kit? Is it okay to work with amphibian cells? Oh, and should I worry about the fecal samples I’ve been culturing in my bedroom and the fungus they’ve been growing? These are the sorts of questions appearing on the newly Read More »
- July 29, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Biosafety
Dengue outbreak has killed 26 in Central America: officials
(MENAFN) An unusually potent outbreak of dengue fever has killed 26 people and infected nearly 40,000 more so far this year in Central America, where the mosquito-born illness is endemic. Honduras has seen the most fatalities, with 15, followed by Nicaragua, with five. The highest number of infections has been recorded in Costa Rica, with Read More »
- July 29, 2013
- | Filed under Africa, North America, South America, International, and Public Health
Cities Might Not Be as Prepared as They Think for a Bioterrorism Attack
(NationalJournal) Imagine that a small group of terrorists deliberately infect themselves with smallpox and then walk around London, spreading it to the populace. How much could the terrible disease proliferate before the world realized something was amiss? This unsettling question is at the heart of new computer model showing how a bioterrorism attack in one Read More »
- July 26, 2013
- | Filed under Europe, North America, Bioterrorism, and Policy & Initiatives
A quick test for the Black Death
(EurekAlert) Diagnosing the presence of Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague, may soon be easier than ever before. Scientists working with Peter Seeberger, Director at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPIKG) in Potsdam and Professor at the Freie Universität Berlin, have come up with a simple, inexpensive and reliable method of detecting Read More »
- July 25, 2013
- | Filed under Africa, Europe, North America, Biotechnology, and Research