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By Region: North America
Gains in Bioscience Cause Terror Fears
Rapid advances in bioscience are raising alarms among terrorism experts that amateur scientists will soon be able to gin up deadly pathogens for deadly uses.
- August 11, 2010
- | Filed under North America and Research
Russia Accuses U.S. of Violating Old Biological Weapons Treaties
MOSCOW — Russia’s Foreign Ministry released a report on Saturday accusing the United States of violating dozens of provisions of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons treaties going back about a decade, apparently in a retort to American critics of a new arms treaty, who have been accusing Russia of violating past agreements.
- August 8, 2010
- | Filed under Europe, North America, and Research
Elusys Awarded Additional $40.6M Under Existing U.S. Government Contract To Fund Further Development Of Anthrax Vaccine
Elusys Therapeutics, Inc. (Elusys), a privately-held biopharmaceutical company, announced today that it has been awarded a second contract year of funding valued at $40.6 million for the advanced development of Anthim for the prevention and treatment of anthrax infection following a biowarfare attack
- August 6, 2010
- | Filed under North America and Countermeasures
New way to boost vaccines
As the medical community searches for better vaccines and ways to deliver them, one scientist believes he has discovered a new approach to boosting the body’s response to vaccinations. He found that the same molecules used in drugs that treat diabetes also stimulate B cells in the immune system, pushing them to make antibodies for Read More »
- August 6, 2010
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, and Research
Research Calls for DNA Sequence-Based Classification System for Select Agents
A DNA sequence-based system could be developed to better define when a dangerous pathogen or toxin should be subject to Select Agent regulations, says a new report from the National Research Council, which adds that this system could be coupled with a “yellow flag” system that recognizes requests to synthesize suspicious DNA sequences and serves Read More »
- August 3, 2010
- | Filed under North America and Research