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By Region: North America
BWC Meeting Held This Week – Ban Urges Coordination of Scientific Advances for Biological Disarmament
The 2010 Meeting of States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention will be held this week at the United Nations Office in Geneva. The five-day meeting, which began Monday in Geneva, will consider various proposals aimed at exploring practical approaches for strengthening the Convention and promoting its full implementation. The meeting of States parties is Read More »
- December 7, 2010
- | Filed under Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, South Asia, International, and Policy & Initiatives
Food Safety Bill Hits Trouble
Senator and House leaders expect to spend the weekend looking for a way around a technical snafu that could scuttle a broadly supported food-safety bill over two years in the making. But it may not matter, as some representatives from agricultural states may vote against it because of an amendment they fear will hurt the Read More »
- December 6, 2010
- | Filed under North America, Policy & Initiatives, and Public Health
Moroccan Officials Tour Ft. Detrick To Improve CBRN Defenses
Lt. Col. Mohamed El Haouri and Capt. Jalal Kasouati, two Moroccan military medical officers, were recently given a familiarization visit to Fort Detrick, Maryland and multiple other facilities in the area between November 14 and 19.
- December 6, 2010
- | Filed under Middle East, North America, Biosafety, and International
Supercomputer Used To Solve Anthrax’s Ribosomal Mystery
Theoretical biologists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have used a supercomputer to help a team of international scientists solve another ribosomal mystery that may aid in combating engineered strains of anthrax and the plague.
- December 6, 2010
- | Filed under North America, Agents & Toxins, and Research
A flu vaccine that lasts
(NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) The costly, time-consuming process of making, distributing and administering millions of seasonal flu vaccines would become obsolete if researchers could design a vaccine that confers decades-long protection from any flu virus strain. Making such a universal influenza vaccine is feasible but licensing it may require innovation on several Read More »
- December 6, 2010
- | Filed under North America, Biotechnology, and Public Health