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By Region: North America
Northrop Grumman Europe debuts CBRN monitor system
LONDON, March 28 (UPI) — A man-portable system for monitoring chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents has been launched by Northrop Grumman’s British subsidiary. Called the Integrated Tactical Rapid Assessment of CBRN Environments — I-TRACE — the system facilitates decision support and enhances situational awareness and information sharing among emergency response organizations.
- March 29, 2011
- | Filed under Europe, North America, Biotechnology, and Countermeasures
USDA to Host Multi-Agency Public Meeting on Federal Select Agent Program
Mar 28, 2011 – USDA to Host Multi-Agency Public Meeting on Federal Select Agent Program. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in collaboration with our federal partners, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Department of Justice’s Federal Bureau of Read More »
- March 28, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Agents & Toxins, and Policy & Initiatives
Postage Stamps Delivered Anthrax Suspect to FBI
So it’s not surprising that investigators took all kinds of extraordinary measures to try to figure out who mailed the anthrax-filled letters that killed five people, scared the country half to death, and have jumped back into public consciousness, thanks to a series of independent reviews over the last six weeks. But even by the Read More »
- March 28, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Bioterrorism
World TB Day — March 24, 2011
World TB Day is observed each year on March 24 to commemorate the date in 1882 when Robert Koch announced the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB). Worldwide, TB remains one of the leading causes of death from infectious disease. World TB Day provides an opportunity for TB programs, nongovernmental organizations, Read More »
- March 24, 2011
- | Filed under Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, South Asia, International, and Public Health
Panel on Anthrax Inquiry Finds Case Against Ivins Persuasive – New York Times
WASHINGTON — A panel of psychiatrists who studied the medical records of Bruce E. Ivins said Wednesday that the F.B.I.’s case that he mailed the anthrax letters in 2001 was persuasive, and that Dr. Ivins’s history of mental problems should have disqualified him from working with dangerous pathogens.
- March 24, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Biotechnology