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By Region: North America
UTSA gets $4.6 million for disease research
San Antonio Express — The University of Texas at San Antonio has been awarded a $4.6 million grant from the Department of Defense to study the genetic structure of infectious diseases, officials announced Monday. The five-year grant will establish the Center of Excellence in Infection Genomics, or CEIG, to study the genetic structure of organisms Read More »
- June 14, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Policy & Initiatives, and Research
Rare Infection Strikes Victims of a Tornado in Missouri
NY Times — Several people who were injured when a tornado devastated Joplin, Mo., last month have become sickened by an uncommon, deadly fungal infection and at least three have died, although public health officials said Friday that a link between the infection and the deaths was not certain.
- June 14, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Public Health
Op-Ed — The Proper Balance of Science, Safety, and Security…
It’s Only Achievable Through Sustainable, Competency-Based Training That is Consistent Around the World by Murray L. Cohen, Ph.D., M.P.H., C.I.H, President and Chairman of the Frontline Healthcare Workers Safety Foundation, Ltd. As recently as 10 years ago, you could count the number of BSL-4 labs throughout the world on your hands, and the private sector Read More »
- June 14, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Biosafety, and Policy & Initiatives
HHS toolkit of public health emergency text messages now available
HHS News — A new toolkit of prepared cell phone text messages advising people how to protect their health after a disaster is available now through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- June 10, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, and Public Health
Commentary: Anthrax Attacks and America’s Rush to Judgment
RealClearPolitics — Nearly a decade ago, as Americans were reeling from the shock of September 11, the nation was besieged by a crafty and concealed killer who murdered five people, sickened 17 others, shut down the U.S. Capitol, and helped coalesce the Bush administration’s focus on invading Iraq, which it suspected of being responsible for Read More »
- June 9, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Bioterrorism, and Policy & Initiatives