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By Region: North America
Sen. Lieberman: ‘The threat of a bioterrorism attack keeps me up at night’
(Security Director News) WASHINGTON—The consequences of a biological terrorist attack are nearly unimaginable and the possibility of such an attack remains frighteningly high, agreed several current and former Congressional members during a panel discussion entitled, The Threat of Bioterrorism: Improving America’s Response Capabilities. Several participants said that a biological attack is the most significant threat Read More »
- July 6, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Bioterrorism, and Policy & Initiatives
Editorial: Bioterrorism and the Vital Role of Family Physicians
(AAFP News) By Mark Harris, M.D., M.P.H., and Kevin Yeskey, M.D. It has been almost a decade since the anthrax attacks of 2001. In response to that crisis, which began only one week after the 9/11 attacks, America has made major strides in protecting itself from a similar calamity in the future. The Public Health Read More »
- July 6, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Bioterrorism, and Public Health
Scientists Help Unravel How Deadly Ebola Virus Works
(Infection Control Today) Molecular and cell biologists at the University of Virginia Health System have discovered new information about how the Ebola virus works that could eventually lead to new drug treatments for the deadly virus. No known cure exists for the Ebola virus, which causes hemorrhagic fever and can be fatal in up to Read More »
- July 6, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Research
UPMC shelves Hazelwood vaccine factory plan
(Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) UPMC is halting its plans to build a vaccine factory in Hazelwood, a hospital spokeswoman said this morning. The long-proposed factory, high-profile project was expected to produce vaccines to counter biological warfare agents such as smallpox. UPMC officials said their strategy differs from that of the federal government, which would have paid for Read More »
- July 6, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Policy & Initiatives, and Research
Novel Vaccine for Strain of Foot-And-Mouth Disease
ScienceDaily- One of the most economically devastating diseases in the world for those who raise cows, sheep, pigs, goats, deer and other cloven-hoofed animals is foot and mouth Disease (FMD). This incredibly contagious and fast-spreading disease causes fever, blisters on the feet and mouth (hence the name), loss of appetite, drooling, and lameness. Most herds Read More »
- July 5, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Public Health, and Research