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By Region: North America
Biodefence since 9/11: The price of protection
( It took one routine smallpox vaccination to expose the holes in the United States’ defences against bioterrorism. In January 2009, the jab was given to 20-year-old Lance Corporal Cory Belken of the US Marine Corps, as it is to many members of the military who are about to be deployed abroad, to protect him Read More »
- September 8, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, and Public Health
Health Experts “Ring Alarm” On Bioterror Preparedness and Protection
( As analysis of the post 9/11 America continues many experts continue to examine present and future threats. Bioterrorism threats, a complex possibility, have been pushed aside as a critical concern as the focus on “lone terrorists” and domestic radicalization has become the new national priority. Leading physicians and public health experts together with homeland Read More »
- September 7, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Bioterrorism
GSK Awarded $38.5M Contract to Develop Antibiotic for Biodefense and Drug …
(Genetic Engineering News) “This commercial-plus-biodefense strategy creates a sustainable, cost-effective business model for private industry and taxpayers, and it promotes a warm base manufacturing capability for use in a public health emergency,” comments BARDA director Robin …
- September 7, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Countermeasures
Support of Public Labs Wanes, a Decade After 9/11
(National Journal) CDC'’s Strategic National Stockpile increased its core formulary to support the prophylaxis of more than 50 million people to prevent anthrax, plague, or tularemia, and acquired enough smallpox vaccine to immunize every person in the USA,” Khan points
- September 7, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Public Health
Support of Public Labs Wanes, a Decade After Sept. 11
(GSN Daily News) WASHINGTON — Efforts to patch up the U.S. public health safety net really took off after the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax attacks that sickened 22 people and killed five when powdered anthrax spores were sent to news organizations and Capitol Hill offices (see GSN, Aug. 16). Congress moved fast to boost Read More »
- September 7, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, Policy & Initiatives, and Public Health