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By Region: North America
Bio-Response Report Card Released
(WMD Center) In December 2008, the Congressional Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism released its report, World At Risk. The nine commissioners, five Democrats and four Republicans, unanimously concluded that bioterrorism was more likely than nuclear terrorism. That same week, the Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Mike McConnell, made Read More »
- October 13, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Bioterrorism
The Anthrax Letters
(Council on Foreign Relations) It is a breakthrough piece of journalism, smashing myths about the 2001 anthrax bioterrorism incidents. But it ultimately hedges on the key question: If Bruce Ivins was not the terrorist, who was? Ten years ago this week Grant Leslie, then an intern in …
- October 13, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Bioterrorism
General License To Be Issued by OFAC for Food Exports to Iran and Sudan
Also excluded are Rosary/Jequirity peas, the source of ricin's more potent cousin abrin, which although more powerful than ricin is not known, according to the CDC, to have been weaponized or used in terrorist attacks. My favorite part of the new rule …
- October 12, 2011
- | Filed under Africa, Middle East, North America, Agents & Toxins, and Policy & Initiatives
Editor’s Note: About the Case of the Anthrax Letters
(ProPublica) The case of the anthrax letters has been unfolding for a decade now. Some of those involved in preparing these reports covered the story when it broke and had been investigating bio-defense issues even earlier. Stephen Engelberg, ProPublica managing …
- October 12, 2011
- | Filed under North America and Bioterrorism
Video: The Anthrax Files
(ProPublica) This story is a joint project with ProPublica, PBS Frontline and McClatchy. The story will air on Frontline on Oct. 11. Check local listings. WASHINGTON – Months after the anthrax mailings that terrorized the nation in 2001, and long before he became the prime suspect, Army biologist Bruce Ivins sent his superiors an email Read More »
- October 12, 2011
- | Filed under North America, Agents & Toxins, Biological Weapons, Bioterrorism, and Public Health