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By Region: North America
Bag Found Under Gas Main Cover Tests Positive for Ricin
(NBC10 Philadelphia) A bag recovered last week from inside the cover of a gas main tested positive for ricin, investigators tell On March 20, hazmat crews recovered a package from under the cover of a gas main on South New Street in Hatboro, Montgomery County — near the Byberry Road apartment of 19-year-old Nicholas Read More »
- April 2, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Agents & Toxins, Biocrimes, Biological Weapons, and Bioterrorism
Officials dispense antibiotics at Damascus High during simulated bioterrorist attack
(Gazette) The county’s public health scenario assumed a crop duster plane had flown low over Montgomery County, releasing deadly white clouds of anthrax spores in a bioterrorist attack. In response, officials organized teams of people to dispense antibiotics — doxycycline and ciprofloxacin — to 1 million people within 48 hours. The exercise involving about 100 Read More »
- April 2, 2014
- | Filed under North America and Countermeasures
Enhanced biosecurity credited for Canada’s success in dealing with PED
(mySteinbach News) The chair of the Canadian Swine Health Board credits proactive efforts over the past four years to improve biosecurity on Canadian swine farms for the success in containing the spread of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea in Canada. Since last April Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea has swept through the U.S. and now affects an estimated 25 Read More »
- April 2, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Agriculture, Countermeasures, and International
Judge denies gov’t request to search suspect’s iPhone in ricin case
(ArsTechnica) According to court documents, sometime in the late hours of March 17, 2014, a Georgetown University student showed a fellow student a small plastic bag containing what he claimed was ricin, a known deadly poison. Court denies warrant as gov’t can’t reasonably balance privacy, law enforcement. The alleged ricin cook, Daniel Harry Milzman, then Read More »
- April 1, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Agents & Toxins, Biocrimes, and Biological Weapons
PharmAthene Presents SparVax(R) Anthrax Vaccine Data at the New Technologies New Vaccines 2014 Conference
(WSJ) PharmAthene, Inc. (NYSE MKT: PIP) announced today that data from the Company’s SparVax(R) next-generation anthrax vaccine program were recently presented at the 8(th) Annual New Technologies, New Vaccines conference. In a presentation entitled, “Factors that Affect Potency and Stability for a Recombinant Protective Antigen Vaccine,” Dr. Bradford Powell, Director, Analytical Sciences at PharmAthene, presented Read More »
- April 1, 2014
- | Filed under North America, Biosafety, and Research