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By Region: North America
The Unacceptable Risks of a Man-made Pandemic
(Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists) Now that world attention finally has been focused on the potentially human-contagious H5N1 Asian bird-flu virus, the international research community should take steps to deal with three other potential pandemic pathogens. Two are among history’s nightmares: smallpox, which killed or maimed millions of people over centuries as it ravaged the world, Read More »
- August 9, 2012
- | Filed under North America and Public Health
Global Green, Inc. Initiates Advanced Trial in Quest of Salmonella-Free Egg
(MarketWire) Global Green, Inc. announced today that the Company has initiated an advanced trial for its patented, exclusively-licensed vaccine, Salmogenics. The purpose of the study is to determine how long a chicken can be protected against Salmonella after it begins laying eggs. If a layer hen is not infected with the Salmonella bacteria, then neither the Read More »
- August 9, 2012
- | Filed under North America, Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Research
California BSE Case Study Completed
(Beef) A California Holstein discovered to have bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in April was an isolated case and didn’t pose a threat to the food supply, a report issued by USDA says. A three-month investigation looked into the movements of the infected dairy cow, her offspring and the food eaten by the herd. The investigation turned up Read More »
- August 8, 2012
- | Filed under North America, Agriculture, Biosafety, and Research
New scientific method unmasks chronic infections
(EurekAlert) Chronic infections are a large and growing problem throughout the developed world, and intensive research is being conducted in ways to combat the recalcitrant bacteria. When bacteria aggregate into so-called biofilm, they become resistant to antibiotics. Until now scientists have only been able to speculate about what happens when bacteria overpower the immune system during Read More »
- August 8, 2012
- | Filed under Europe, North America, Public Health, and Research
Vet Says FMD Outbreak ‘Not If, But When’
(Farm Futures) There are lots of scary phrases out there. Among the scariest for ag producers is this one: “It’s not if, but when.” That one surfaced in a workshop at Monday’s Ag Media Summit in Albuquerque. The topic was Foot and Mouth Disease. The purpose of the workshop was to let professionals in ag Read More »
- August 8, 2012
- | Filed under North America, Agriculture, and Research