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By Region: North America
International space station plays host to innovative infectious disease research
(EurekAlert) Performing sensitive biological experiments is always a delicate affair. Few researchers, however, contend with the challenges faced by Cheryl Nickerson, whose working laboratory aboard the International Space Station (ISS) is located hundreds of miles above the Earth, traveling at some 17,000 miles per hour.
- February 19, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Research
Amid massive security, bird flu virus research awaits approval
(MilwaukeeJournalSentinel) Kawaoka’s research has been voluntarily on hold for more than a year while the government develops new guidelines for scientists to study how many mutations – and which ones – could give the virus the ability to efficiently spread between humans and cause a pandemic. His research must follow strict regulations that govern select Read More »
- February 19, 2013
- | Filed under North America, Agents & Toxins, and Research
Supreme Court to Hear Monsanto Seed Patent Case Today
(FoodSafetyNews) Today, the Supreme Court will hear a patent case that’s been billed as the one to determine who owns the rights to seeds in the ground: the farmer who planted them on his land, or the company that invested resources in designing and selling them.
- February 19, 2013
- | Filed under North America, Agriculture, and Policy & Initiatives
Cure in sight for kissing bug’s bite
(EurekAlert) Chagas disease, a deadly tropical infection caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and transmitted by biting insects called “kissing bugs,” has begun to spread around the world, including the U.S. Yet current treatment is toxic and limited to the acute stage. In The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID), Galina Lepesheva, Ph.D., and her Read More »
- February 15, 2013
- | Filed under North America, Countermeasures, and Research
New methodology to predict pandemics
(EurekAlert) EcoHealth Alliance, the nonprofit organization that focuses on local conservation and global health issues, announced new research focused on the rapid identification of disease outbreaks in the peer reviewed publication, Journal of the Royal Society Interface. The article, authored by leading scientists in the fields of emerging disease ecology, biomathematics, computational biology and bioinformatics, Read More »
- February 15, 2013
- | Filed under North America, International, Policy & Initiatives, Public Health, and Research