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By Region: North America
When good food goes bad
(EurekAlert) The Center for Biosecurity of UPMC today released online ahead of print a new report, When Good Food Goes Bad: Strengthening the US Response to Foodborne Disease Outbreaks. The authors analyzed existing data and studies on foodborne illness outbreak response, identified emerging trends, and interviewed dozens of federal and state-level officials and experts from Read More »
- March 5, 2013
- | Filed under North America, Agriculture, Biosafety, and Public Health
Biosecurity for the Grains and Oilseeds Industry
(WebWire) Grains and oilseeds growers have a new tool to help protect crops, following the release of a national biosecurity standard today. “Managing on-farm risk is an important part of staying competitive in today’s market,” said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. “This standard offers grains and oilseeds producers a distinct advantage in the fight against pests Read More »
- March 5, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Agriculture
Vaccine That May Help Protect Newborn Babies
(MedicalNewsToday) The underdeveloped immune systems of newborns don’t respond to most vaccines, leaving them at high risk for infections like rotavirus, pertussis (whooping cough) and pneumococcus. Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital have identified a potent compound that activates immune responses in newborns’ white blood cells substantially better than anything previously tested, and that could potentially Read More »
- March 5, 2013
- | Filed under North America, Public Health, and Research
National grains biosecurity standard launched
(ManitobaCo-Operator) A new voluntary standard for biosecurity on Canada’s grain- and oilseed-producing farms is expected to help growers build or improve on their existing farmgate-level systems at any scale.
- March 4, 2013
- | Filed under North America, Agriculture, and Biosafety
Q&A: Bioshield Program Successful After Rocky Start
(GlobalSecurityNewswire) A multibillion-dollar federal program to spur manufacturing of medical countermeasures against weapons of mass destruction had a “rocky start” but over the last decade has added 11 new products to the nation’s emergency stockpile, a top Health and Human Services Department official said.
- March 4, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Policy & Initiatives