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By Region: North America
Phase I Clinical Trial For An H5N1 Bird Flu Vaccine Shows Positive Results
(MedicalNewsToday) IDRI (Infectious Disease Research Institute), a Seattle-based non-profit research organization that is a leading developer of adjuvants used in vaccines combating infectious disease, and Medicago Inc. (TSX: MDG; OTCQX: MDCGF), a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing highly effective and competitive vaccines based on proprietary manufacturing technologies and Virus-Like Particles (VLPs), today reported positive interim Read More »
- April 22, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Countermeasures
Counterterrorism: Heritage Foundation Recommendations
(Heritage) In the aftermath of the act of terror in Boston and ricin-laced letters intercepted in Washington, D.C., the U.S. should rededicate itself to homeland security efforts. While the sources of these attacks are still unknown, there are several policies that the U.S. can and should pursue to secure the homeland from a wide spectrum Read More »
- April 19, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Bioterrorism
Inovio’s Universal H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Phase I Results
(GlobalBiodefense) Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced today that its universal H1N1 influenza vaccine, designed to protect against a spectrum of viral strains, generated protective antibody levels comparable to a current FDA-approved seasonal influenza vaccine against a currently circulating influenza strain.
- April 19, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Countermeasures
FDA to Extend Comment Deadline for Produce Safety Rule
(FoodSafetyNews) Responding to multiple stakeholder requests, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is planning to extend the comment period on the produce safety rule beyond May 16, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said on Thursday.
- April 19, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Agriculture
Obama Budget Cuts Deeply From Threat Reduction Accounts
(GlobalSecurityNewswire) The Obama administration’s new budget would cut more than $300 million from programs intended to prevent terrorists from obtaining nuclear materials or other ingredients for weapons of mass destruction, according to a new analysis by an organization that advocates the work. “If enacted by Congress, these cuts will undermine global U.S. leadership to prevent Read More »
- April 19, 2013
- | Filed under North America and Public Health