Developing Metrics and Measures for Dual-Use Education

Research Report for the Wellcome Trust Project on `Building a Sustainable Capacity in Dual-use Bioethics’
By James Revill

The concepts of education and awareness raising have received considerable attention in the international security discourse in the 21st Century and there have been a small number of programmes that have been designed to inter alia, survey educational content, develop educational material and engage in educational activity. However, there is little material on how such projects can be measured in terms of success or indeed what baselines can be identified from which to measure progress. Accordingly, this report outlines some of the issues that need to be taken into consideration in designing metrics and measures for such projects.

It begins by outlining the nature of the challenge, before moving on to look at how other analogous projects have sought to identify metrics and measures of success in the world of business ethics, development aid, human rights training and environmental education. The paper then proceeds to look at different methodologies that could be applied to the dual-use education context, such as a results framework, social network analysis and impact analysis, before concluding with a number of possible approaches to measuring success that could be employed and balance the need for pragmatic and simple indicators of success at the policy level, with the more rigorous requirements for determining progress from the academic perspective.

University of Bradford
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