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NIH OBA Conference: Shaping IBCs in an Evolving Research Landscape

June 12, 2011
June 14, 2011

June 12-14, 2011
Loews Coronado Bay, San Diego, California

• New Scientific Advances, New Oversight Challenges: This panel will explore advances in the fields of synthetic biology and nanotechnology and the possible implications for institutional biosafety programs, including IBCs.
• The ABCs and XYZs of CDC Select Agent Inspections
• On the Horizon: Updates to the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules
• Training:
– All on the Same Page: Biological Considerations Meetings
– Training for High Containment Researchers
– Biosafety Training Resources
• Biosecurity:
– The NSABB and Promoting a Culture of Responsibility in Life Science Research

• Mock IBC: Viral vector protocols will be reviewed by our very own conference IBC.
• Case Study Exercise: Small groups will answer questions related to different research scenarios.
• Future Directions: Share suggestions and ideas for shaping future policy.

Download Conference Brochure here.

For more information and registration, visit here.

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