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International Conference on Zoonoses 2011

May 25, 2011

Hosted by the Med•Vet•Net Association

The MVNA Conference will take place on 14-15 September> during the VLA International Conference which runs from 13-15 September Royal Holloway, University of London, Surrey, UK.

Registration and Abstraction submission is now open.

We are pleased to announce that the Med-Vet-Net Association for Zoonoses Research will be holding its inaugural scientific conference from 14th – 15th September, 2011 at Royal Holloway, University of London, Surrey, UK, in collaboration with the Veterinary Laboratories Agency International Conference.

The conference will be comprised of four sessions, which will follow the successful Med-Vet-Net Network of Excellence format. These sessions will be targeted at: Host-Pathogen Interactions; Risk and Epidemiology; Surveillance; and Detection and Control. Each session will commence with a lecture by an Invited Keynote Speaker, followed by original presentations.

Delegates interested in attending this event are invited to submit abstracts broadly in accordance with the themes listed above, and indicate whether they wish to present orally or in poster format. As a guide, oral presentations should be targeted at 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for discussion.

The date for submission of abstracts is 31st May 2011. Abstract should be no longer than 250 words and prepared in accordance with the guidelines available on the MVNA webpage. Abstracts will be assessed by an independent scientific panel and those submitting will be notified of acceptance or otherwise by no later than 30th June 2011.
We anticipate that the meeting will be well attended and early submission of abstracts is highly recommended.

Download conference flyer here.

For further information and registration, visit here.

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