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IBCs In An Evolving Research Landscape

June 12, 2011
June 14, 2011

National Institutes of Health Office of Biotechnology Activities Conference

June 12-14, 2011
Loews Coronado Bay, San Diego, California


New Scientific Advances, New Oversight Challenges: This panel will explore advances in the fields of synthetic biology and nanotechnology and the possible implications for institutional biosafety programs, including IBCs.
The ABCs and XYZs of CDC Select Agent Inspections
On the Horizon: Updates to the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules
All on the Same Page: Biological Considerations Meetings
Training for High Containment Researchers
Biosafety Training Resources
The NSABB and Promoting a Culture of Responsibility in Life Science Research


Mock IBC: Viral vector protocols will be reviewed by our very own conference IBC.
Case Study Exercise: Small groups will answer questions related to different research scenarios.
Future Directions: Share suggestions and ideas for shaping future policy.

View PDF Brochure here.

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