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Congress on Teaching The Social and Ethical Implications of Research

November 10, 2011
November 11, 2011

ABOUT: There is an increasing push to offer scientists and engineers new forms of education in the social and ethical implications of research. Because this trend is relatively new, there are no cohesive curricula or recognized sets of best practices. But SEI education is happening in a wide variety of spaces including: laboratory training sessions, science museums, online modules, study abroad experiences, and the classroom. A number of research groups and individuals across the country are currently developing their own approaches to delivering this material to scientists and engineers. This Congress will bring together a wide array of these educators to share the programs, materials, assessment methods, and experience they’ve already developed as well as serve as an opportunity to collaborate on new strategies to help scientists and engineers understand the social and ethical implications of research. The Congress will be held a few blocks away from and immediately after the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET) (See: http://www.cns.ucsb.edu/snet2011). There is no registration fee for the Congress. For additional information, please e-mail: SEICongress@asu.edu.

The Congress is jointly sponsored by Arizona State University’s Center for Nanotechnology in Society; Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes; National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network; and the National Science Foundation.

PROPOSALS: We invite proposals for presentations, posters and activities during the Congress. We expect much of the meeting to be held in plenary sessions and are soliciting ideas for papers and panels that address specific pedagogies or themes as well as interactive activities that demonstrate different teaching techniques. There also will be a poster session available for works in progress.

FUNDING: Limited funding is available, through NSF and other organizations, for a small number of participants. Some funds have been specially designated to assist graduate students as well. Please indicate in your submission is you would like to be considered for funding assistance.

DEADLINE: June 1, 2011

FORMAT: Proposals may be submitted in any of the following categories: Paper, Poster, Panel, Roundtable, or Non-traditional (i.e. other). Please note the category in which you think your submission will fall. Include complete contact information for corresponding author as well as names, institutions, and e-mail addresses for any co-authors or participants. For each paper or poster include a 150-200 word abstract. For any panel, roundtable, or non-traditional program please include a 150-200 word overview plus abstracts for any papers that will be a part of the envisioned program. Please note if you would like to be considered for travel funding.

SUBMISSION: Submit your proposal via e-mail to: SEICongress@asu.edu

For more information and registration, please visit the official event website.

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