The Australian Biosecurity Intelligence Network and the Victorian Department of Primary Industries (Victoria DPI) are holding an Animal Health Tools Workshop from 17 -19 January 2012.
Interested epidemiologists from across Australia are being invited to attend a workshop where they will:
• Create a user output specification for an emergency management software package
• Enter and retrieve basic epidemiology and trace data
• Create a situation report
• Create a situation map
• Create a variety of management-oriented and analytical reports and maps
• Monitor progress with IPOPs, tracing, sampling and other tasks during an outbreak
• Determination of trace priorities and epidemiological analysis of trace data
• Creation of epidemic curves from data
• Enter data and perform queries
• Export data for further analysis in GIS and spreadsheet software.
There are only 20 places available, so apply now to ensure your attendance.
Apply to Roger Paskin, Chief Veterinary Officer’s Unit, 475 Mickleham Road, Attwood, 3049 VIC or email
For more information and registration, please visit the Official Event Website.