BWC Daily Reports and Briefing Notes

In conjunction with the BioWeapons Prevention Project, Richard Guthrie has been producing daily reports from the inter-governmental meetings of the Biological Weapons Convention since 2006.
In addition, it has become established practice for States Parties to the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) to meet every five years to review the operation of the Convention, taking into account relevant developments in science and technology (S&T). Changes in both security and science since 1972 have generated questions over whether this process is fit for purpose. Accordingly, the Harvard Sussex Program is leading a project designed to investigate the process of S&T Review within the BWC and assess alternative proposals and options to improve this process in terms of their technical and political feasibility.

Richard Guthrie, Kai Ilchmann, James Revill, Caitríona McLeish & Paul Nightingale